markgriffiths11 Member


  • I don't have a planned cheat day, but sometimes I just fancy a beer or 2 after work so that kinda becomes my cheat day. The only time I plan it is when I know I'm going to a gig/sports match etc and know I will have a beer or 2 and maybe a poor food choice or 2. I just eat/drink until I am full and then stop.
  • Oh Mickey by Toni Basil. Oh Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey, hey Mickey
  • agree 100% with this. Everything is 'healthy/unhealthy' in moderation. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables that you enjoy, choose leaner cuts of meats that you enjoy (if you eat meat), drink plenty of water and include the odd treat (chocolate/cake/alcohol etc) as long as it fits in with your daily calorie intake. Try…
  • Thanks for the tip! I have an old iphone on its last legs (think it's one of the older models that runs on coal...), so as soon as I get round to updating my phone, I will look into downloading one of them
  • Thanks for the advise! Yeah, I was in Austria and Italy on holiday so didn't hold back on the beer/pizza! There's no danger of me drinking too little water as I like to keep hydrated. I'll try to weigh myself at the same point every day to see if there are any big swings to try and link them to see what works/doesn't and…
  • Thanks for the replies! Monday was probably a heavy day as I was coming off a 2 week holiday and then a family wedding (free bar! whoop) so was at my heaviest on Sunday eve into Monday morning. I will try weighing myself every morning to see if there are any trends. As for the fluids, I do drink quite a lot of water and I…
  • I stick half an avocado in my stirfries. So good and full of healthy fats/vitamins/fibre etc