Planned cheat days

Hi guys! When you have a planned cheat day, how many calories over maintenance do you consume? I'm 5 ft 2, 123 lbs and my maintenance is 1720 if anyone asks.


  • scarlett_k
    scarlett_k Posts: 812 Member
    I don't really plan on going over my calories but if I have a day of 'sod it, I'm eating the damned cake' then I will try to stay within maintenance.
  • Rashawnab
    Rashawnab Posts: 24 Member
    If it's planned and accounted for, it's not a cheat?

    When I say planned, I mean every week and a half or two weeks I will plan to eat whatever I've been wanting and craving and go above my tdee and even maintenance. Just curious how much above people are taking it.
  • ramshackles
    ramshackles Posts: 85 Member
    I just eat what I want and don't log it. It makes me feel less guilty when I go back to calorie deficit. Mine is at least 2500
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I bank my calories so I can indulge and eat more on weekends and still stay in a deficit for the week. I am not sure how much I go over since I don't track, but I keep things reasonable, so either I eat at maintenance or just over.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I usually have a more relaxed day every Saturday where I eat out or order in Chinese food with the boyfriend and have dessert. I am maintaining my weight however and usually leave some exercise calories over during the week.
  • LoserRivera
    LoserRivera Posts: 2 Member
    I have a planned cheat day on Friday, and Friday morning is my weekly weigh in. Cheat day for me is, I don't log. I don't go crazy. I don't have junk food all day. I'm just a bit more lax with food. Right now, I really want that Ben and Jerry's ice cream in the freezer. But I just spoiled myself yesterday with Arby's curly fries. But forcing myself to eat healthy during the week, and holding off my cravings until my cheat day. My cheats have been getting less horrible. I got a medium curly fry at Arby's. But I barely ate half of them, because it was heavier, more filling than I thought. Once I get into the habit of healthier eating, I don't think I'll have cheat days, but I'll be able to decide if the cheat is worth the extra exercise. ALWAYS exercise same or more on cheat days.
  • Rashawnab
    Rashawnab Posts: 24 Member
    edited September 2017
    I have a planned cheat day on Friday, and Friday morning is my weekly weigh in. Cheat day for me is, I don't log. I don't go crazy. I don't have junk food all day. I'm just a bit more lax with food. Right now, I really want that Ben and Jerry's ice cream in the freezer. But I just spoiled myself yesterday with Arby's curly fries. But forcing myself to eat healthy during the week, and holding off my cravings until my cheat day. My cheats have been getting less horrible. I got a medium curly fry at Arby's. But I barely ate half of them, because it was heavier, more filling than I thought. Once I get into the habit of healthier eating, I don't think I'll have cheat days, but I'll be able to decide if the cheat is worth the extra exercise. ALWAYS exercise same or more on cheat days.

    Lol, half a thing of fries is not a cheat to me. If that's all you're having you're doing way better than me and have way more self control! Kudos!
  • Wendyanneroberts
    Wendyanneroberts Posts: 270 Member
    Rashawnab wrote: »
    If it's planned and accounted for, it's not a cheat?

    When I say planned, I mean every week and a half or two weeks I will plan to eat whatever I've been wanting and craving and go above my tdee and even maintenance. Just curious how much above people are taking it.

    I'm still aiming to lose a few more lbs, but I have planned days, eating above my deficit calorie target. As they are planned, I'll save a few calories during the week, as I go by a weekly allowance, rather than a daily target. But I do stay at or close to my maintenance calorie limit, to stay in control. Logging accurately on these days also helps me keep control and not excessively binge.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    My goal is generally to hit a deficit five days, maintenance one day, and go over no more than once a week. My TDEE is about 2500 and I try not to go over by more than 1000. I've been managing about a pound a week loss at roughly those numbers.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    When I was losing weight, I typically ate maintenance at least one day on the weekend, if not two...but I didn't go over maintenance often...usually only when it was an occasion or holiday or something...
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    I had a cheat day yesterday and ate right at maintenance. I rarely go above maintenance just because I'm so used to eating less. But when I do, I just make sure to balance it out over the week. Good on you for letting yourself have a cheat day! Sometimes that's what kept me sane!
  • Rashawnab
    Rashawnab Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for the info, everyone!
  • I don't have a planned cheat day, but sometimes I just fancy a beer or 2 after work so that kinda becomes my cheat day. The only time I plan it is when I know I'm going to a gig/sports match etc and know I will have a beer or 2 and maybe a poor food choice or 2. I just eat/drink until I am full and then stop.