The physical symptoms are likely due to an electrolyte balance which is quite common when an individual drastically reduces carb intake. Yessssss. This definitely a possibility. Thank you.
Oops sorry. I'm a newby and didn't know it was such a contentious issue.
It feels like an addiction. I feel physically and psychologically sick if I don't eat something loaded with sugar. I'm like a junkie.
I find it difficult to start my day without my coffee with three tbls of. Creamer and 1/4 cup of milkm.I'm struggling with this.i need to give up coffee altogether as it aggravates my acid reflux.
I moved not too far from a winery that makes amazing sweet wines. I'm not much of a drinker, but I've had a bottle a week now since I moved in. They are soooo good. I vow to limit myself to one glass on fun Fridays for the month of September.
Coffee does that to me. If you drink coffee, try eliminating that for two weeks and see how you feel.
I have tried gentle yoga and senior water aerobics classes but they have not worked for me. I used to own a house with a pool and I would just float around and gently move my limbs, but we have moved and I don't have a pool now. I'm going to see what my new community center has to offer. I don't want to do too much and…