I worked in a diner once and on slow days we would deep fry everything we could think of just to see how it would turn out. I can confirm that everything that we tried out tasted pretty good fried.
Pat McGee Band "Haven't Seen For A While"
I use the app simply called StepsApp. It is very accurate and will track your steps even if you have the app closed. I've been using it for a few weeks and never had any issues with it. Highly recommend.
I just try and do a little more today than I did yesterday. One small thing that improves my weight loss journey. Whether it is going an extra 1 minute on the elliptical machine or trying to burn an extra 10 calories on the treadmill. It doesn't always have to be for the workout too, sometimes it's about eating 1 more…
Hi skjones1606, I've been there as well and as a big guy I know how you feel. It was not easy to get on the machines and work out next to someone that looked like they were training for a marathon, to the point him and I looked like the before and after photos of some middle of the night weight loss infomercial. To start…
He eats Tostitos sitting next to me when I'm on conference calls and the only thing I can hear is him crunching his corn chips for 15 minutes. Then he closes the bag and its more crinkle crinkle.