iPrincessAJ Member


  • Big butts are great tho! I’m trying to keep my butt & lose my gutt!! Lol
  • Oh this is awesome! I definitely want in! I think with this group, I've finally found the support group that I've been looking for! Ok, I hope I do this right since it's my first day! 1st 10 day challenge = R17 (9/20 - 9/29) SW: 142.6lbs GW: 138 - 139lbs Overall GW: 123lbs Day/Weight/Comment 9/20 9/21: 141.5lbs 9/22:…
  • Add me! I'm looking for some motivation & accountability for losing these 25lbs I've gained over the past year as a result of finally finding love. Going on frequent dates was cool in the "hot beginning" but now I can't fit most of my clothes anymore lol it's time for these extra 25lbs to go! My 30th bday is coming up in…