hopleyjana Member


  • *fueling
  • My calorie goal is 1750 plus my exercise calories which I usually dip into, bit even still I am always hungry. So I am either super greedy or I am not feeling my body correctly
  • Hiall, thank you, I a miss 5'11" tall and 140 pounds. I am new to fitnes and healthy eating. I was never unhealthy, just not as healthy as I probably should be. I ve done my calories calculation on MFP and that's the number they came up, my Fitbit allowed me to eat way more, which I found odd and I actually gained a pound…
  • Sorry, try now. Should be public now. :( I am new to all this :(
  • Please could you help me how to make it public? I ve change he setting so you should be able to see it. Is it still locked?