My first fitness challenge with MFP so not sure if it's too late to participate this month; if it's not too late, I'm totally in! I love cycling but the incoming Canadian winter is not forgiving..I figure this challenge would make me accountable/ more motivated to cycle as summer fades away & temps start to drop. (Will…
I've read this time and time again after people meet their goals: Meet goals, celebrate, stop tracking and do so with the intention of maintaining. Unfortunately, for many of us, continuing to track our foods is the key to success in maintenance. Many return to their old lifestyle, whether gradually or right off the bat,…
I don't take preworkout and therefore can't give any personal recommendations, though I can say that you might be hard-pressed to find a preworkout that doesn't interfere with your sleep, unless you consume it at an earlier time. Caffeine (and sometimes other added stimulants) is what gives the kick of preworkout, with…