Cyprus_Girl84 Member


  • La Croix, decaf coffee with unsweetened almond milk, decaf herbal tea, soda water if out, soda water with lime give yourself permission to have other things because quitting alcohol is a big deal there is a great sobriety community on Instagram if you feel you may have a problem controlling whether or not you drink or…
  • I don't treat holidays any differently from any other day. If I know I'm going to have a Thanksgiving meal, I'll have a light breakfast and skip lunch so that I don't go over on my calories. I never get seconds. But I don't do "cheat days" ever. Not overeating is a lifestyle that I commit to 365/days a year. It's not for…
  • I think everyone's intentions are good; I think everyone's hearts are in the right places.
  • OP is not in an unusual situation. I don't think she wants us to tell her to ignore her dr. I think she wants to be heard and understood. Those of us who have been through it recognize exercise bulimia and body dysmorphia when we see it in others. OP needs special TLC right now. If we are asking OP to be gentler to herself…
  • my sweet love, this is where the healing will start. I PMed you. Here for you, girl.
  • ohh, sweet love. I'm going to PM you.
  • have you been under a lot of stress or unusual stress over the past 4 months? I'm not looking for an alternative explanation, but I am wondering if maybe more than one factor is contributing.