Hey there! I discovered this group and wanted to introduce myself! I'm Sharon, 37 from Indiana. I finished my Christmas shopping today! Thank GOODNESS!!!
pharmacy technician?
i did do that at first, however I didn't type the correct phrase in order to get search results.. thanks tho.
Not all bypass patients have dumping syndrome with sugars/fats. I learned that from My 600lb life.
I am allergic to visine regular eye drops. #strange
lawdy I hope that's a good thing. lol @Egger29
corn chips
26 Australian
was convinced to shave the beard and accidently cut himself.
any cat lover is an angel!
TRUE! Absolutely always order without sauce. TNP loves horror flicks.
Southern Indiana - just north of Louisville, KY.
I shave my arms, underarms, and my legs... every day.
Don't I wish! LOL. Has a vast collection of lego character sets
You must indicate where said tea was purchased!!! Never had that!!
Yes! LOL. Watches minecraft replays while taking baths.
Marilyn Monroe
Loves to add juice from Sardines to his protein shakes.
holy moly. My ankle hurts now.
I rinse all my canned (no salt added) vegetables in a strainer - then cook them and add my own salt. My SO thinks I'm nuts. I already know I'm a bit crazy - but aren't we all in some way or another?
secretly wishes to marry Alex from Jeopardy.
Ha!!! I love Beyoncé!!! Was poisoned by eating meatloaf.
Not food related but I recently bought the Cat's Pajamas Palette from LauraLee (beauty influencer on YouTube). I can't WAIT to get it.