Kiwi2mfp Member


  • I am so sorry you are going through so much and for your loss. It is very hard to want to have goals when stressed and/grieving. The fact that you are bouncing back even a little already is amazing. I had to give up drinking completely in January 2021. I was leaning on it for stress management and realized one day that if…
  • I just found this group. I'm a bit late for March challenges but here's where I'm at: 39 yr old female 5'7" SW: 217 CW:158.8 GW:154 UGW:TBD I have never seen my weight lower than the mid 150's in my adult life. I've been told I look too skinny when getting into the lower 150's. I used to be a Navy firefighter and I also…
  • I am currently finishing up a weightloss journey with the goal of pregnancy after. I am so nervous about gaining all the weight back. I can't gain all the weight back. I had health issues that resolved after losing all this weight. So I do plan to use mfp to track my calories through the whole pregnancy. I do wish there…
  • I also have come to aim to go to bed just a little bit hungry. Not starving but not weighed down with food either. If I didn't log for the day and find that as I lay down I'm a little bit hungry, I feel I've done good.
  • I have. I dropped 41 pounds and took my cholesterol from high (230) to normal (188) now. But it took me about 6 months. I didn't get blood work drawn through the process so it was responding quicker than 6 months. I have since lost 16 more pounds. Due to get blood work in a couple weeks. We'll see what happens. My doc told…
  • A fellow sailor! Hi there. I was a DC2. Congratulations on your progress!
  • My wedding and engagement rings fell off my finger as I went to grab a dropped object last night. I did find them though.
  • The wine likely dehydrated you. With slight dehydration the body holds on to water. In later stages of dehydration the water disappears but then you are highly dehydrated. Salty foods added onto that will make the water retention even worse. I would suggest drinking lots of water daily (64 ounces at least) and getting…
  • Occasionally, if I'm really hungry, I eat to maintenence and have a better day the next day. Today was a rare maintenence day for me.
  • I'm o- but have a history of kidney issues. High protein and kidney issues usually don't mesh well unless you're on dialysis....I'm not there and probably won't ever be there since I follow a kidney and heart friendly diet now. Eating a blood type diet likely wouldn't have helped me recover the kidney function I have in…
  • Yesterday my husband wanted cubed steak and mashed potatoes for dinner. I was going to have the cubed steak but not fried and breaded with a salad and baked potato. But I ended up getting a can of smoked herring for my protein, with the salad and baked potato instead. When the cubed steak was cooking, the smell of the…
  • I was pre-diabetic until I dropped 43 pounds. I have since dropped 11 more. I have fibromyalgia and herniated disks in my lower back. The pain I was in while obese was a daily struggle. As the weight came off the pain lessened. I just realized a couple days ago that I haven't been in pain in quite a while. But, wouldn't…
  • I have struggled with this too. Getting out of calorie counting and then having to get back in. It was only 2 weeks ago that I finally got my motivation back. I found the reasons I want to lose weight. I had slacked for a couple months.... Those reasons are what got me. April is my next appointment. It will be one year…
    in How ? Comment by Kiwi2mfp March 2023
  • I can go all day cleaning the house, cooking, canning, gardening...etc. I do set my calorie goals at the lowest though and I'll log maybe an hour or two of gardening or such. But if I had set my calories to very active then I wouldn't log that activity. There are days I'm not as active so this works for me. I try to keep a…
  • I am 5'7" also and started April of last year. I had some health issues that lit a roaring fire under my butt so the first 6 months the weight fell right off. But since around November I also have platued. I was really getting discouraged. This week I started rationing like they did in Great Britain during world War 2.…
  • I'm finally solidly out of the 170s and into the 160's. One more pound and I'll be down 50 pounds total. 4 more pounds and I will have a normal BMI again. This journey started April of last year. It's taken a bit....mostly because these last few months have been a rough time medically (who am I kidding..the last year has…
  • Yep, I had the serious too. Wasn't actually exposed afterall... turns out the cat likely licked a mushroom or toad it shouldn't have and was acting normal again before I even left the ER lol but I'm up to date on my rabies shots!
  • I gave up drinking right after January 6th happened. I had a panic attack for like three days after that and drank until I couldn't keep it down. I realized then that I had a panick attack watching reruns of shock and awe in 2004 too (I was in the Navy and our ship launched in that attack). It occurred to me I had issues…
  • It is possible. I've lost 48 pounds in like 8 months. It would have been more but I was pregnant for 10 weeks and lost the baby. So now I'm trying to lose another 16 pounds before trying again. In this next week I should hit 50 pounds lost. I don't have before pictures though. But myfitnesspal does work. Just log…
  • Sometimes it can help to cut one or two things at a time. I found that cutting cream and sugar out of my coffee helped me a lot....I drank A LOT of coffee. Then I cut out energy drinks....then sodas except maybe once a week. Then I got to only drinking black coffee, plain teas, water, and some milk occasionally. Then I…
  • Okay, my mini goals have abruptly changed....I found out last night I'm pregnant so first pregnancy mini goal is....roughly maintain weight for 4 weeks. After that it's control weight gain the best I can within healthy boundaries of course. I guess my weight loss journey is on hiatus for the next 9 months or so 😆 BTW, my…
  • I have found that weight loss and other journeys tend to happen together and take pretty much the same techniques. It could be decluttering one bag at a time, becoming debt free with the snowball effect, becoming sober one day at a time, stepping out of the cursing habit one conversation and slip up at a time, learning to…
  • A lot of time we put off taking care of ourselves because we dread the process. Funny thing is, every time I have taken this journey, I have come to dread the end of the process in the end. You gain so much more from the process than just losing weight! Congratulations and I hope you find a lot of joy in your journey.
  • What an awesome husband!
  • My NSV is, I'm not logging 100 percent of the time anymore. We eat a lot of home cooked meals here and sometimes, those are the hardest to log. But I am still losing weight! I can have a full day of cleaning the house and walking the dogs and making meals and know when I can afford a few more calories. My husband likes…
  • I just met my last mini goal to be under 175. I'm at 174.6. So on to my next mini goal...get under 170! I haven't been in the 160's in going on a decade 😳
  • My mini goal is to get under 175. I'm at around 175.6-176 right now.