Kiwi2mfp Member


  • Just got my blood work back! My glucose went from 113 six months ago to 96. My cholesterol went from 230 down to 188. My creatinine went from 1.1 to .9. Now this is the thing that had me most concerned... my kidney function went from 59.1 to 84 EGFR! I'm healed! I'm not at risk for diabetes, I'm not at risk for a heart…
  • Okay, this might sound like a weird NSV but here husband and I have decided to try for a baby. I'm 38 years old and 6 months ago I would not have dreamed that was possible. I have fibromyalgia and the pain and exhaustion was so bad when I was 41 pounds heavier that running after a toddler would have been…
  • Yeah, I am running into this road block now. Money is extremely tight. My husband starts a new job on October 4th so that is a huge relief. As it is, we haven't had consistent basics in the house for a little while. We don't have bread. I have been using Nido powered milk because we can't afford milk. We stocked up on…
  • In the last 3 months I have lost 34 pounds. I was 217 and am now 182. I actually feel skinny. At around 185 I started feeling my old normal. But my old normal used to be around 175 or so....weird huh? I feel like I'm 175 but I still have 10 more pounds to go to get there. At 185, years ago, I would feel like I was fat and…
  • This gives me hope. I have labs in a month. I have lost 34 pounds in the last 6 months since my last labs. I am hoping that weight puts everything into good range again. I am so anxious to see these results. But, in the mean time, I can do a bit more work. I still have 20 pounds to go. I can't knock that out in a month but…
  • I find that preparation time is sometimes a need.... time to just wrap your brain around the journey that you are about to embark on. That time is like packing before leaving on a trip. Leaving without packing might be doable but the trip would likely be a whole lot harder. Enjoy your trip in both senses!
  • My mini goal is to weigh in under 180 pounds here in the next couple of weeks. On October 8th I have my next appointment and I want to be closer to 170 before then. I need my blood work to improve...up in some places, down in others. I'm getting nervous as the appointment date gets here. So far I have dropped 15.2 percent…
  • The doctors scale is motivating me too. Last appointment I was obese. I finally got below obese a couple weeks ago. You got this!
  • I live on a farm and I gain and lose that same 10 pounds every year. If I don't lose that ten pounds of winter weight then it just keeps packing on. For the last couple years I have managed to lose it every year but a few years ago I started college and then the weight didn't fall off. That's why I'm here...trying to lose…
  • I was told I have kidney issues in April and I already had fibromyalgia. I feel you. I'm 38 though but I completely understand the pain from exercise and suddenly needing to change up diet and lose weight. That's why I'm here now. I am not focusing on exercise for my weightloss at the moment because of the pain. That's not…
  • One other thing. Part of the reason I stalled out was I took a job renovating a house. We had a ton of heavy lifting to do for a few weeks at first. I expected my weight loss to stall for a little bit there do to the added muscle gain. But then I burned out and slacked off of my diet. It sounds to me like you are gaining…
  • I stalled out too and then life got crazy and I slacked off a bit on my logging and diet. I still made mostly healthier choices but I was cheating a lot more. This went on for about two weeks. Then I jumped back on the weightloss journey. I had gained 2 pounds. But that two pounds dropped right off within a couple of days…
  • Getting out of the 190's can't be my goal anymore because I just did it! I guess my next goal will be to tackle 185. My vegetable garden is producing now so I am aiming to have one meal a day almost entirely produced out of my land (eggs count). Granted I can't produce salt and olive oil but I can do what I can do. Trying…
  • I also am not vaxed (well I am prior military...I have had tons of vaxs just not this one) and had covid last October when delta was going around. My whole neighborhood got it even though I stayed clear of all of them so they didn't get it from me. My double vaxed neighbor got it from his work for the second time. He…
  • My pants, skirt, and shorts hardly stay up anymore. I have another 30 pounds to go yet though so I'm holding off on getting new stuff yet.
  • Great job! This where I am at too. I'm at 192.6 at the moment. Strayed off the path for a couple weeks there. Gained a couple back but they fell off as soon as I started back up...likely water weight. Hope to be under 190 here in a couple weeks.
  • BTW I've lost 24 pounds and have 30 more to go.
  • I have been on my fitnesspal off and on for years. Gained friends, lost friends. It is nice to have friends when we can but remember thar myfitnesspal is a tool. There is no shame in jumping on and off when we need to. I fell off of my plan for a couple weeks recently. Life has a way of side tracking you. But I'm back on…
  • Wow! My goal weight is 164. My starting weight was 217! I'm female though but I came here for inspiration and want expecting the exact same story lol I'm only half way there though. Great job! Thanks for posting!
  • 2 more pounds and I am no longer considered obese by scale. I say "by scale" because as a female, I truly do have more muscle than most females. My time in the Navy proved this when I would fail our bi-annual weigh-in at 10 pounds over my accepted weight yet when taped, I passed just fine. 4 more pounds and I will be…
  • A neighbor I haven't seen in a while asked me if I'm losing weight. I had never told him I was trying to. Almost to the 25 pounds lost mark.
  • Great job!
  • I injured my knee running in the military. THEY push a person sometimes more than one should go. Tore my meniscus. I eventually tore the other meniscus, I believe due to the military neglecting the first one as long as they did. Therefore, I'm not fond of running anymore. Being told at 24 years old that I will definitely…
  • I'm not always motivated. This last week I have been working my butt off trying to help someone move. I have been watching my calories too. But it seems that the day I started helping my friend clean up to move, my weight loss stopped. While it might be water weight or muscle's still frustrating that the scale…
  • Thank you! I don't think I have any links. I'm sorry. Mostly just been keeping my food journal and commenting on my page. I am at 198.2 on day 52. I am happy with my progress so far. I have some medical issues that I go in for blood work in October for. I am hoping a healthy diet and normal BMI will help correct these…
  • There are videos on YouTube for walking in your home. I have found a couple that look very doable. I haven't tried them yet though. You might want to look those up and start off with a very easy one. Even if you can just do ten minutes here and then ten minutes there. You really should talk to a doc though. I know that is…
  • Keep going! Oddly enough, I started at 217 pounds on April 8th or 9th and my goal is around 164 pounds by October. I have stalled out this week. Been doing a lot of work helping a neighbor move (3-4 hrs a day). It involves a lot of heavy lifting and moving none stop. We're practically packing a man's homestead to move two…
  • I worked on a neighbors homestead for roughly 4 hours today. Needed a lot of extra calories and protein. This salad has 2 ounces of cheese, 6.75 ounces of grilled chicken with BBQ glaze, 2 cups (roughly) of salad mix, 2 ounces of Brawells Creamy Vidalia Onion dressing, 4 tablespoons of classic croutons, and a seed blend…