stealthette Member


  • They say you feel less hungry as you shed the pounds, did you find this?
  • I learned the value of weighing food. I was so shocked, and still am, about how small 100g of chicken actually is.
  • I'm almost the same measurements as you except I'm 5'6. You have to understand, your colon takes up space. You have very little body fat to move out of the way. When I was severely underweight, my hips were 33, just pure bone there, no fat at all, and even then my waist, which literally just consisted of skin over colon…
  • If you're moving, you are burning calories. Whether or not you're burning breakfast, lunch or dinner or fat stores, who cares? You can't move, think or breath for free it all uses up calories.
  • I finally figured out a way to suss this out properly. It turns out sedentary does include general chores around the house, showering, and even gardening one article mentioned! You can read about that here: Anyway, here's how to work out your own. If you use…
  • Yes! I agree! Today was the first time I got on the scales and saw significant weight loss. Before today I just felt like every effort I was making was getting me nowhere. I was jumping for joy because the first thing that went through my head was I CAN HAVE MORE FOOD!! I don't need to lose this much this fast, I didn't…
  • Never mind I see the IF now.. you have to forgive me, I've been on a calorie deficit enough to lose a chunk of fat, I'm so freaking quick to jump to the wrong conclusion. I cannot wait to lose another few lbs so I can EAT to satisfaction. I'm happy with my results, but my general happiness is patchy at best. Sorry.
  • What are you on about...
  • Every time I leave my front door I record my distance and time. I should have said I record every calorie burned from walking. Although I used to have a step app that calculates it for you but it took up too much space on my phone so I ditched it. I also use a site for when I mow the lawn, I calculate everything I do…
  • I haven't just started. I have upped my exercise in the past 3 weeks. Thanks for assuming.
  • I've been putting in every last step I do, except for housework steps, I live alone so they're no 3k a day! I've actually lost more than MFP calculated. MFP says most days I'll lose 3-5lbs in 5 weeks, but I've actually lost 3 in 2.5 weeks. Are you sure they are doing this? Where did you read that?
  • Here's a typical nutritional label of plain rice cakes, it's like eating air. Really it's just a vessel for your protein to sit on. Sorry, it's so big I don't know how to make it smaller.
  • Have you tried rice cakes? They are as low as 30 calories per circle. They're about the size of your hand. Lower carbs than bread. Really nice with peanut butter for your protein. There are oatcakes as well, they'd fit in your palm and each of these is about 30 calories as well. You can buy flavoured versions of both of…
  • Do you consume much in the way of B12? One of the signs of deficiency is dizziness. My mum recently had this issue. Beef, liver, and chicken. Fish and shellfish such as trout, salmon, tuna fish, and clams. Fortified breakfast cereal. Low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese. Eggs.
  • I don't know what food you add to your diary but I know from mine it is not accurate. Whoever the people are who fill in the macros they're all over the place! They vary for the exact same foods with the same weight depending on who (not that it tells you who) put them on there. Not reliable for sugars, salt, and even…
  • Just recently it was the final in football over here. I had planned pizzas, so much flatbread, dessert, and lots of beer. Sounds great but I was dreading it because of the calories. Out of curiosity, I put the calories into my diary ahead of time and I could see I was going to clock 2500. My daily goal is 1400 to lose a…
  • @fuzzipeg I'm English, I get jokes that's why I joked back.
  • @callitlikeiseeit That feels so cathartic letting all that out, I had to take a stretch after.
  • @callsitlikeiseeit I'm pretty good at catching my head going down a road and sorting my own stuff out. I had drug-induced psychosis as a teen and when my brain finally healed I was left with all paranoid thoughts, but none of the fear to go with it. They had just become my automatic thoughts. I had to relearn how to think…
  • @MargaretYakoda Thank you :)
  • @fuzzipeg One day I'll be that disciplined. I'll probably be asleep and dreaming though.
  • @paperpudding I guess that gives me an excuse to make another demijohn up hehehe. It amazes me the things that contain sugar that you'd never guess. Anyway thanks for the info.
  • @luluetduet8 I think you're absolutely right. I'm learning these lessons later in life. I have to add I'm having to get used to becoming wrinkly at the same time so, perhaps I am magnifying every detail as well. It is hard losing your looks, not that I had much to lose, but still haha :) I'm glad you mentioned eating…
  • Does wine really have sugars?! I make homemade wine and it is not complete until the yeast has consumed the sugar and died. It dies from starvation but what it pooped out while alive is your alcohol content. How can it still have sugar? If you add sugar it just starts the process again surely? I dunno, I follow the packet,…
  • I do feel betrayed! That's the perfect word. I'm 5'6 but I have a narrower than average skeleton. My shoulders aren't as wide as usual, or my ribs or hip, wrists.. everything.
  • Hiya and thanks for commenting Do you know what it was? Mcdonalds started delivering and are in 15 minutes. I at their food once in a blue moon before January. I'm really good with my shopping I don't buy sugary and fatty snacks because I want them that badly I'll get off my butt and walk to get them, I'm always too lazy…
  • There's always a time and place for everything. When someone is really down and clearly showing it, that's not the time. And while we are here, how do I block you?
  • I saw very quick results from doing deadlift daily. I have 4kg weights that I put in my bedroom so I could see them every time I went to the bathroom. Since I'm already on my feet, I found it easy to do 2 sets of 8 every... well something like nearly every time I went past I'd do them. Deadlifts are a compound exercise.…