shanitilly Member


  • I have done lots of 5Ks. It helps you to not think about other people and focus on your run if you run with music. During practice set up a playlist of songs that makes you feel inspired. Time your speed to the music. Then on race day it will help you keep the right pace. Remember the tortoise wins the race!
  • I had a planned c-section but it was planned 5 days before and after they had told me to go mall walking to get things going! I wanted a natural birth too! But this was better for both of us.. My body is heavy and droopy. But I know I can lose weight, because I lost almost 30lbs. before this pregnacy. I had some clothing…
  • I look at it and breakout!
  • So I got the app. It says to run 3 times in week one. Is every week three days? Do they have to be spaced a certain way?
  • I also joined this group on here:[/quote]
  • I am just starting to try to lose but I feel ya! I had a c-section and wouldn't lay on my tummy for quite awhile. Then I felt SO inflexible. Plus I have Planter Fac..hower you spell it. My feet hurt! My right hand falls asleep when I use fine motor skills. I need to recover some cause I want more kids!
  • Pre-Pregnancy: 165 lbs. Delivery: 212 lbs. Now: 189.0 lbs. Right after delivery I ate worse than during pregnacy! Now I am eating better but not great.. I also know I need to workout more regularly. So I just recently decided to start actively trying to get in shape!
  • I read that if you eat too few caleries your body thinks it needs to store everything and you get more fat. Dunno how true it is..