zoetrope17 Member


  • Without the fibre you can add more quantity of vegetable matter - that's all. I like juices, just go easy on the sugary fruits or even carrots and beets because without their fibre the glycemic spike is higher. I'd stick mainly to vegies with some lemon, maybe an apple but fibre has its value too.
  • Ok cool, I tend to drink mostly water anyway so when I have extra like the drinks I mentioned I tend to wonder if I'm overdoing it more than anything - but yes, the clear pee test would be the gold standard
  • so you add those as 'cups' to your water tally. What about caffeinated liquids with a diuretic effect like coffee or black tea?
  • Thanks, looks like I'll crack 1000 anyway but good to know the streak is about logging in. I stay logged in on my laptop usually.
  • Well done! I have a chronic illness too which limits my activity but am slowly but surely making progress by tracking everything. Like you, I find cutting out sugar, gluten and dairy to be helpful to my overall health. Having a personal trainer as your partner is a great strategy too ;) Good luck with the last 25, I have…
  • Hi, I've just joined the site. I have chronic Lyme disease and have been mostly housebound for 5 years. I've had some improvements with treatment but it's up and down and slow and since being ill I quickly gained about 60lbs. I used to love going to the gym and hope to be able to again when I reach remission but until then…