Boot1973 Member


  • Thanks everyone. I think I have lost inches. I find it hard to measure consistently but my clothes fit better and a lot of people are giving me compliments. I’m basically the same weight I was before Christmas and no one was saying much then. So I think it’s working. I am also going to tighten up my logging though and not…
  • Thanks for the encouragement everyone. I lost one pound but then gained .5. I’ve decided to eat at maintenance today and tomorrow as a psychological boost and hopefully if I’m holding on to water weight it will help precipitate the mythical Whoosh.
  • “Obligatory pedantry: if you're not out of breath and it feels like pilates, it ain't HIIT.” Thanks for the feedback. Yes, it’s definitely not painful but I presume it will get harder and it’s doing something judging by my sore limbs. Just not 335 calories of something. I think I will ignore for now as I’ve hit a weight…
  • Thank you everyone for your advice and encouragement. I will buy a food scale and start using it when I’m at home. When I’m at work I usually eat a can of soup so hopefully the nutritional label is enough to go by. I don’t eat out much but I just make my best guess when I do. I like the advice to change my goals to 1lb a…