It definitely can - watch "that sugar film" Sugar causes a big spike in the "feel good" chems in your brain then drops right down leaving you feeling lethargic and depressed.
Cut out as much sugar as you possibly can (sugar causes inflammation) and eat turmeric with cracked black pepper - you can add straight to food or put it into capsules and take daily. My husband takes it for chronic back pain and it definitely helps.
The best diet is a balanced diet - high protein, moderate fats and carbs. Honestly carbs are the worst group though - please watch "that sugar film" for more details. Your body produces protein and fat so it knows what to with those types of foods. Carbs are a very quick source of energy for your bod - so not good for a…
A diet low in sugar and high in garlic, chilli, spices, and greens is almost guaranteed to remove plaque from arteries. My dad had high cholesterol/BP and had a mild heart attack earlier this year. He left the hospital with a big bag of pills. I encouraged him to change a few things in his diet and he has been able to…
We spend about 150-200AUD per week in Australia for my husband and I. Sometimes that's a stretch. Cost of living in Australia is ridiculous though.
That is most certainly not a myth. It is a well known fact that muscle weighs more than fat.
It's because muscle weighs about twice as much as fat. It has nothing to do with water retention. You are exercising and not overeating you will be gaining muscle and burning fat. Who cares about your kgs - the most important measurement is cms!!
I struggled with this for the first couple years of marriage - my husband is a big snacker! I've just had to have self control to say no to companion eating and sometimes make 2 different meals or have much smaller portions than his. He has recently become much better with his diet and sometimes I have to keep up with him!…