perriwinklejones Member


  • Three words. Beans, rice and curry xx (eta: okay, 4 words.)
  • Honestly, just roasted broccoli, its so friggen good.
  • Eat whatever you want! I was a veggie from 14 to 22 (admittedly not a very good one since I ate gravy? ) anyway, I do eat meat but not very often and mostly only chicken. I never liked the taste even as a kid and only really ate it because mum made it. Not everything needs a label and if you do, you could simply say you…
  • I know this thread is hella old but just wanted to add, if anyone is thinking about trying out either the meal plan or workout plans, they normally do 50% off for cyber monday, so if your on the fence that would be a good time to buy!
  • greek yogurt, granola and fruit, protein drink, english muffin egg things I make at home, left overs, donuts lol.
  • WLS is a tool. You still have to watch your portions (more so with WLS) and you still have to workout if you want to build any muscle. Most of the time you are required to try to lose weight without it, and most people do. I'd give counting calories an honest shot first, WLS is always there if you need to use that tool…
  • roasted chick peas maybe but they are higher calorie. I have read that you can use just a tiny bit of butter, and then a bit of soya sauce and I guess its amazing and a lot less calories than more butter?
  • It might be helpful to just prep types of things that you can eat if you get called in, or not if your at home. You could make over night oats, smoothie packs, portion some greek yogurt and granola and fruit for breakfasts for example. Could cook up some chicken breast, have turkey lunch meat, cook up some taco meat, some…
  • LOL not for us. Family of 4, normally our bill (without house hold or eating out) is 500 min, I'd say more like 700/800 typically. We could cut down because we do buy nicer cuts of meat, protein powder, lots of Greek yogurt (7 dollars for 650ml here), lots of stupid expensive avocados. I see it like I'd rather put some…
  • I love skewers with chucks of chicken breast, cubes of cheese and grape tomatoes with honey mustard to dip in. Granola in a cup of almond milk is great as well. Banana or apple slices and PB, veg and hummus or string cheese.
  • Breakfast - 2 multi grain Rye type slices of bread, one small avocado and 3 large eggs + coffee and skim milk with a scoop of vanilla protein powder. Dinner - 1 small spaghetti squash roasted with EVOO and garlic, chicken breast with lemon and herbs and a half cup of pasta sauce, roasted broccoli. Snacks - extra coffee,…