samanthaholze Member


  • Anecdotal, so take this with a grain of salt. I had bloodwork done after struggling hard to lose weight besides consistent healthy deficits, exercise, and a mostly clean diet. It revealed I was essentially depleted in iodine, which does effect metabolism. I have added seaweed to my diet, and in under 2 months things…
  • Today I had two scrambled eggs, 4 slices low sodium turkey breast, and 1/3 avocado....and coffee. It's my fave breakfast and gets me through the entire morning without wanting a snack, about 4-41/2 hours. 318 cals.
  • Definitely socializing, though in the past distraction from a stressful job has also been a thing for me. My friends drink. A lot.
  • I have to admit I have been stalking this thread for the last several weeks. I have been struggling hard with reducing my alcohol intake. Though I have been drinking a lot less, I find that I am constantly fighting with myself about it. I am an extremely social person and I go out a lot with friends who all enjoy drinks…