gregepperson2 Member


  • Did Paleo for three months, good results. Wanted to see if I couldn't tighten up a bit so now I am doing Keto. Been doing it for a few weeks. Found Fitness Pal and it has made life much easier. Still going through the Keto side affects, but the Keto sticks say I am in Ketosis so I am still at it. I can tell you for sure…
  • Daily user. Not smart enough to figure out how to add friends. :blush:
  • 1000 mile journey begins with one step. I have done something similar by hitting it too hard on the weekends. After separating in July I decided I was going to give up on the 12 oz curls. I went cold turkey for about 2 months; felt wonderful. Then a relationship hiccup sent me back to looking for a watering hole on the…