TiisTitanium Member


  • Sorry to hear about your soreness and injuries @Orphia. A break from handstands sounds like a good idea. I am still plodding along with handstands but not really practicing daily at the moment - rather simplyt going to class twice a week and doing stretching and conditioning work daily. My handstand is looking good but is…
  • Your straddle is looking lovely and flat @mbaker566 My splits have gone completely backwards. I tore my hamstring in August and it refused to heal for the longest time so in the end I had to avoid any type of stretching related to the hamstring. I feel like things are finally better so I am back to my first flexibility…
  • Very nice @Orphia. Glad to see people are still practicing and keeping the thread alive :) I am making good progress with my tuck handstands and press handstand though slow progress with holding my balance for an extended period of time. My teacher says I have beautiful straight lines so hopefully it is just a matter of…
  • Looking good there @mbaker566. You are making me miss aerial yoga! I have an infinity strap as well and it is so useful for improving stretches - though if i had to choose between props the yoga wheel would come out on top. ETA - why has my avatar turned into a chess piece. Weird.
  • @MommyLifts3 - sounds like you need to build this up. It is one of the hardest things when you are first starting out. Check out these exercises and stretches :smile: https://gmb.io/wrists/ @Go_Deskercise - i am a big fan of the wall. It is my BFF when it comes to practice and building strength and confidence. On the back…
  • Glad your back is on the mend @Orphia. Lovely handstand practice @mom23mangos. I don't want to tempt fate but I think my hamstring is finally on the mend. While I am on break mode from aerials and contortion classes and have decided to up calisthenics and daily handstand practice until the end of the year. I want to see…
  • I have been slowly plodding along still struggling with my annoying hamstring injury . Daily practice not so good but still going to classes and working on form even if my balance is sub-par.. I had two major breakthroughs tonight which made me happy. 10 second balance and finally mastered the art of chair handstanding -…
  • @mitch16 - if it makes you feel any better, I am the class dunce in my handstand lessons - everyone else is a circus performer and is happily doing handstand presses and straddle ups while I get over excited if I get 10 seconds of hold. My instructor says handstands are a slow incremental success story and when you get to…
  • Another successful day of handstand practice though admittedly it was in my hand balancing class rather than disciplined self practice. We have recently switched from a 60 minute class which never seemed enough to a 90 minute class which seems endless but I am slowly improving so it is worth the effort.
  • Thanks @mom23mangos - yoga wheel was a lot of fun. And I am happy to report that I squeeze in my handstand practice and it felt good which made me happy. Woohoo.
  • Fantastic @Orphia. I recommitting myself to the daily handstand challenge for October albeit a day late - though I did do a lot of hand balancing practicing yesterday it was incidental and not something I set out to do. I just acquired a yoga wheel so I want to use that prop to help with various poses which hopefully make…
  • i have badly lost my handstand mojo. My hamstring is still recovering and it really hurts kicking up (and squeezing when up) so I have limited to myself to handstanding in classes only rather than daily practice. I miss it a lot so feel motivated to go back to daily practice as my teachers say my shoulder alignment is much…
  • Thanks @Orphia. Hamstring is still sore but I have been googling rehab things to do and forcing myself not to do many things until it is better so hopefully it will come good soon. i have rejigged my routine a little over the coming weeks with a little more ballet and a little less circus until things calm down.
  • @mom23mangos - very impressive!! Glad to see this thread is still going even though I have been slack on the handstand during my holidays especially as I tore my hamstring playing a party game involving a cardboard boxes and doing middle splits. I was back at my flexibility class and my handstands have gone backwards due…
  • Fantastic @Orphia. You are totally nailing the handstand thing. Working on some of my handstand variation tonight and finally managed to pull off the chair handstand move so feeling happy with myself
  • Yes I go through the same thing regularly. In my handstand class on Wednesday my trainer was trying to make me do a new trick and I was telling her I just can't do it as I have a huge mental block. She made me do it anyway and I was fine. I really need to more positive visualisations about it all as I have the strength and…
  • Ooohh - I do those @mom23mangos - usually in straddle position. They are SO hard. Looking good @Orphia
  • Hope you enjoy circus school xelsoo. I know I love going to mine. I've been doing my daily yoga stretching in the morning which is not fun as I don't like waking up early especially as it is winter in my part of the world so it is dark and cold. It does seem to be slowly working though. I am still miles off the floor in my…
  • Glad to know people are still doing practicing. I had my handstand/acro class today and i think I gave more advice to people than the instructor about hand positioning and form. Oops - i like her a lot but i really don't rate her teaching technique but I always have fun in the class so I overlook that. In class today…
  • @Contrary_MaryM That sounds like a great technique. I always do better when I have a spotter that doesn't actually hold me. Today was my handstand class. It always makes me happy especially I can feel myself making progress and I feel like all the things i do to improve my mobility and balance is actually paying off.
  • Nice to see all the aerialist peeps chiming in. I wish more people would get into it as not only is a great way to exercise, you make awesome friends which is sometimes difficult to achieve in other fitness environments. Plow was exactly the move I was trying to describe -I am highly technical/helpful in my descriptions..…
  • I am a wannabe aerialist. I train of Lyra once a week and Trapeze and Silks as well as a lot of handstand and flexibility classes plus Adult ballet classes just to round it out. Haha all that sounds like I am really proficient at it but I only do it as I am beginner who wants to move past the sucking stage. My biggest tip…
  • We spent time on handstands again tonight in contortion class. I wasn't feeling the love at all in drill time but still managed to get in a few good balances and did some sneaky hollowbacks when the instructor wasn't paying attention to me - and i got to wear my favourite handstand shirt .
  • Aww thanks @Orphia. That is beautiful. It made me a little teary in a nice way. My little artist daughter was very impressed with your work. Haha she also said - "You inspired art, you really are amazing". I am feeling very happy with myself tonight. My handstand instructor says i have made a massive improvement in my…
  • Back to contortion class tonight and lots of handstand drills. I even managed a 2 minute wall handstand which impressed my trainer. A mildly funny handstand related story. I go on holiday to the UK in three weeks. Last night I was scrolling through instagram for some information and up popped a post about someone from the…
  • Another vote Yoga for Adrienne but I also concur with what @ContraryMaryMary said as it is really important to get your form correct which is pretty hard when you are on your own. My tips would be to just keep trying. Even if are discouraged about lack of strength and flexibility, persistence really does give results. Plus…
  • @mom23mangos - i head you on the variability One day it feels like I am a hand balancing superstar, the next if feel like i am struggling to balance during a wall drill. Definitely put as much weight as possible on your hands. When we are working on press handstand drills one of the cures is to put weight in your hands and…
  • We call that hollowbody in my handstand class @Orphia. If my teacher is feeling mean we have to do it in a rocking motion. Sorry to hear about your dodgy back though all the core work would help a lot I'm sure. I think handstand walking is easier than being still as you focus less on balance and more on momentum.
  • Very nice @Orphia. So zen and uncluttered and plenty of room for inversion fun! Lots of handstand practice tonight which was lots of fun. I am not being consistent with the daily practice at the moment so I am always glad when I find some time to work on the hand balancing. A different kind of hand balancing pic tonight.
  • I was back at my acrobatics class today for the first time in months. My instructor was very impressed with how much I have improved as apparently now I have perfect handstand body positioning. I didn't have the heart to tell her that a lot of it down to my Wednesday class because the instructor on that day is obsessed…