fatketogirl Member


  • Anyone in here on Insta? Trying to use it as a way to held myself accountable. F4F. I started keto 5/4/18 to get fit for my wedding. At the same time I was in the process of getting a million tests to figure out why I was getting dizzy spells that caused me to loose my vision. The doctor put ke through thousands of dollars…
  • If you stick to it your first month should have a big change as you change the way you burn fuel, store water, and process fat. Keep your fat high and your carbs low and you should see a bug difference the 1st month(:
  • Hey all, I started let last May (just over a year ago!). My plan was to look good for my wedding last September. I looked great but after the wedding found it difficult to stay motivated. The last 3 months I've been more off the wagon than on and gained back 20 of my 60lb loss:( now I'm ready to get back on track. CW: 252…
  • Just shy of 4 months keto and exercise and down 35lbs. I gained 100lbs with back to back pregnancies. So I'm not where I want to be but I'm working on it(:
  • I'm down 35lbs since May on keto👍 and ive done a weird amount of research and am constantly learning more about the WOE. let me know if you have questions!(: