Marykaylady2010 Member


  • I was having a similar problem I am 5’9’ female weighting 213 currently and when I walk run do and elliptical or even stand still for 10 mins or more my back hurts. I have found that the recumbent bike it’s pretty comfortable for me to do cardio on.
  • If a particular eating regime gives you a rash every time you follow it that may not be the best diet for you.
  • It’s very frustrating the part of my body I hate the most is my stomach even though I carry my weight pretty well and no one believes me when I tell them I what I weigh my stomach will fold over my pants and I know it will be the last thing to go and my boobs will probably shrink first
  • Some diets will have people avoid certain types of foods to appeal to a particular audience. Like everyone said weight loss is about a calorie deficit and finding out what works for you may take some trial and error. Some people will prefer diets that eliminate certain foods that they tend to over eat because they are all…
  • I’ve seen a few posts on fb about the best positions for burning calories during sex and most of them have at least one person in some ridiculous position like holding themselves up in a bridge like pose. The calories for these ranged for 45 to 100 calories but there’s no way I could hold any ice those positions for 30…
  • I make small weight goals because I get a high when I achieve it. Also as other have said it’s hard to know what my real goal weight is because I am interested in building muscle and toning in addition to losing inches. The scale is just what I use to track my progress. If I go by the medical guidelines for my height and…
  • I knew I was going to get some kickback from saying my bf said I was getting fat. Just a few facts we had a conversation 2 years ago where we agreed that we wouldn’t let each other get too heavy it’s unhealthy, and he tortured himself for weeks before he had the guts to say something. He is very supportive and proud of me…
  • I don’t have a scale goal it’s just what I currently use to track progress but I want to be a size 8 -10 in pants, not have my thighs rub together so much in the summer that I can’t wear skirts cause of heat rash, I want to be able to life heavier weights and see the different muscles in my arms
  • There were two big moments when I said I have to do something I am really unhealthy and fat. I was putting old photos together in albums and sorting them by date and I was able to visually see my 140lb skinny healthy active 19 year old self slowly grow to 220 pounds. I worked out and went from a size 18 to a 10 at 185…
  • I suffer from mild depression. When I tried Mirena I was working out on a regular basis eating healthy and feeling pretty good and I had been doing this for about 9 months. Mirena didnt make me gain weight but After about 2 months of mirena I went into a pretty deep depression. Stopped working out, started eating barely…
  • I weight pretty much everything I put the plate I’m going to eat on the scale and zero it and then add each item and zero it each time so i only use one plate and goes pretty quick I will usually try to hit the same number of grams with veggies so when I go to log I know I had say 30 grams of lettuce tomatoes carrots…
  • I’ve been doing this for a while now if I don’t do a shake I skip breakfast cause if time. It keeps me full so I don’t binge on snack or a high calorie low nutrition lunch. Just make sure your shake is a meal replacement not just a protein shake
  • I was so upset when I looked up the calories to chili’s mix and match fajitas. I had already told my mom I would go with her and ordered shtetl and shrimp fajitas cause I’d been seeing the commercial everywhere and I know if I made that at home they would be pretty healthy but I couldn’t believe it was 1000 calories…
  • They didn’t try to sell me anything I don’t even know what your referring too. I have no intentions of ever completely stoping my shakes it’s a quick meal that tastes great for around 2.50. I don’t know where I could get that other then a drive through
  • I don’t really like a lot of traditional breakfast items except eggs. There cheap quick to make and you can hide veggies in them. I like soups for breakfast I find them filling and they stay with me.
  • Thatnia a big deal congrats
  • I’m only entering foods into mfp and if I manually add exercise I do it in mfp as well. I am weighing just about everything I eat and double checking the accuracy of the info before I add it to my diary. I’m not eating all the exercise calories back unless I truly am hungry. I can’t find anything that tells me if the auto…
  • When I spoke to a trainer about this they told me I should do 3 sets of 10 because my goal was to define and strengthen my muscles. As far as weight I was told that it should be heavy enough where the last 2 in the each set of 10 is a little hard to do but not painful. I stay at that weight until it gets to easy then add…
  • When I tried looking up how many calories I would burn lifting weights in google I got a lot of unclear answers. The amount of calories depends on a lot of factors. How heavy the weights are how fast your doing it so I simply log it in a separate app that’s easier to add my workout when I strength train. it can be similar…
  • If I remember correctly your friends will revive updated on their feed when you post something or meet a goal or challenge as well as loose weight and vice versa
  • Hello I would love some fitness friends my friends and family are already starting to do the eye roll when I tell them about my workout or a new recipe I’m going to try. My goal is to become a size 10 . I am currently tracking my weight but I am trying to consistently work out including strength training to build muscle so…
  • I don’t know why people need to be so negative I you didn’t ask what people thought of it I don’t go to the Keto forum and say your diet isn’t going to work. I love my shakes and I was able to get with a good groups of Herbalife girls that helped me learn about what foods to eat and how to workout safely to meet my goals.
  • Ibe has success with Herbalife and I am currently doing it
  • I’m all about the food scale for things most things. But I still like to portion out snacks by serving so they are grab an go.
  • I had the same problem but when I did some research the calculation only gave me 60 grams of protein a day and everything I read said I should have a higher protein goal around 100grams. As long as your calories are under your fine. The negative sign really bugged me so I changed the percentages on the app to reflect my…
  • Well I love my Herbalife shakes. I do not sell Herbalife. I eat a shake for breakfast because I will never wake up early enough to make breakfast and it keeps me full so I’m not starving by lunch. I will usually have my other shake around 3pm and that helps me to not over eat at dinner. There is not magic shake that will…
  • I have trouble in the evening because I eat dinner at 530 but usually stay up till 11 or 12 and when I’m alone I start to think about what to eat even though I’m not hungry. I’ve started to eat dinner later and I go to the gym at 9pm which is usually when I’m most likely to eat. I save a few calories for the evening snack…
  • I have a protein shake that I really enjoy it tastes sweet enough to satisfy the craving and it has 21 grams of protein so it fills me up.
  • I have this problem too but I know my body and it just takes time. It’s so frustrating when I join weight loss challenges and people loose 5 pounds in a week and I have lost half a pound. But I belonged to a workout group with these same people and over the course of a few months I watched my body get smaller and more…
  • I use the Herbalife meal replacement shakes. I love them but it is simply for convenience. I’m too rushed in the mornings to make breakfast and so I skip it and then binge on lunch the shake keeps me full for the morning. I will also have the shake after a strenuous workout cause of the protein content. It allows me to…