Oooooo my wife makes a great chicken curry I could have her make the broth for me. Wouldn't of thought of that. Thanks
I don't really need to watch it either. That gives me some ideas as well thanks.
That peanut sauce looks great gonna try it Monday. Thanks.
My wife does make things like that. But the dinner I'm asking about is my quick to go meal when there isn't anything ready and we are tired or busy with work/life stuff.
Thanks some good ideas. I've been doing mostly a protein with Vegetables on the side. Than yogurt or cheese or something with some fat in it I've been getting tired of that. So if I made meatloaf how would i know all the nutritional info is there a way I can add in ingredients to get the serving size and nutrional info?
I fast every day and eat no breakfast, small lunch. Then eat the majority of my calories a hour or 2 at most before bed. I can't sleep when hungry and being hungry during the day Dosent bother me that much.