amycro86 Member


  • I saw a post about 90-second almond-flour bread. Haven't tried it yet, but looks great! 3T of Almond Flour, 1 egg, 1t of baking powder, 1 1/2T of Butter, Microwave for 90 seconds.
  • Stupid question, how do I add people?!
  • Ok, this going to sound lame, but how do I add people?! I'm 4 days into keto and would love a bunch of people to chat with, keep up with, and keep me going.
  • Ug, I'm not even that far, only 4 days. I'm a self-proclaimed sweets addict and it's killing me to be cut off. I only have bad advice, but peanut butter or a swig of orange juice are the only sweets getting me by. Tried "soil" but it was WAY too bitter for me (40g unsweetened cocoa powder, 8T almond milk, vanilla, stevia).…
  • First time keto, 4 days in, and relatively new to MFP. Would love to connect for intermittent support.