tuftedghostdeer Member


  • Yes, see my above agreement response.
  • I agree. IF was not for me. Just pointing out the book and the following in case anyone wanted to look it up and see the beliefs since others were commenting about not knowing where I came up with that concept.
  • Not according to the book Delay Dont Deny...author has a facebook group with tens of thousands of followers. They dont count calories, eat what they want, only worry about eating window. I left the group because it wasnt for me. But author has a huge following and promotes fasting without fussing with calories. She's lost…
  • I'm pretty much doing the exact same thing you are. I am losing weight each week, not obsessing over food, not hungry during the morning or lunch anymore. Eating foods I LOVE for dinner and the weight is dropping off. I LOVE IT.
  • My weight was down this morning, even though I overate stirfry...WITH rice. I guess I just cant believe I can enjoy food AND lose..
  • I typically dont overeat stirfry!! Haha! I think I was just extra hungry tonight. I was done eating for the day by 630 and only drank water after. We'll see what the scale says. The only food that I really dont have self control around are really good donuts. But they have to be really good ones...and fresh. Otherwise I…
  • Ok. I got back on this train yesterday. I was 171 this morning, so almost back to 170, where I was when I did this a few weeks ago. I cant wait to see 160. Havent seen that in 2 + years. Ultimate goal is to be in 130s. When will I stop overeating though? Tonight I was extra hungry. Last night not so much. Portions were in…
  • I relapsed. I was doing so well and weight was going down and then I hit a wall. One day I was so physically tired. All I wanted to do was sleep. That is not like me at all. I broke down and ate something. I wasn't hungry but looking for energy. The food did help bring me back to life. So then I slipped back into eating…
  • I relapsed. I was doing so well and weight was going down and then I hit a wall. One day I was so physically tired. All I wanted to do was sleep. That is not like me at all. I broke down and ate something. I wasn't hungry but looking for energy. The food did help bring me back to life. So then I slipped back into eating…
  • Did anyone have to give up sweets when doing omad or at least limit them to once a week or so? Ive found my weight goes up or stays the same if I have dessert.
  • I actually like pinning recipes again and not feeling guilty about it if it doesn't meet my "diet" requirement...and I left weight watchers today for good. Never going back.
  • Id like to lose 40 as well ...but probably wont happen by 2019 for me. .Haha. Id be happy to be 20 down by Christmas. My son is 4.
  • Thanks..I want OUT of 170s so bad. My first goal is to make it to 165...I havent seen that in a couple years ...ultimate goal is maintenance in 130s.
  • I'm down 3 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm focusing on the loss....not the quickness of it. I started June 20. Lost 2 pounds the first week and 1 pound this week...I was 170.5 yesterday so I may have lost 4 pounds so far. Weight was up to 171.4 today...but I ate pizza last night, so sodium? This is working though, right??
  • Android. Womp womp
  • How do you post pictures here?
  • Wow. 51. That's amazing.
  • Thank you. I definitely will!
  • ...your name or preferred username ...your weight ...your height ...any past struggles you've faced or are facing ...your goal weight range ...the time of your OMAD ...and your OMAD start date. Kate 173 ☹ 5'1 Pregnancy weight gain (4 years ago), didnt struggle with weight pre-pregnancy, cravings, junk food, over-eating,…
  • This isn't very popular but I swear by it. I need something to eat in the morning, so I have a small breakfast. Then I skip lunch and go for a walk or do something to keep me occupied so I'm not thinking about food. It's amazing how much the mind tricks you into thinking you HAVE to eat because once everyone is back from…