melfaye75 Member


  • I am looking into this as well. I heard about it through a co worker who lost 60lbs using this method. However, my own research is showing me that it really wouldn’t make a difference on shifting calories. What I do know is eating regularly (every 3 hours) and within targeted calories will get the job done. ;
  • Thank you for the warm welcome. I speed walk every day, this week I walked a total of 13 miles of intentional exercise. I’m disappointed as when I got on the scale today, no loss. However, I did weigh myself earlier this week and had a 1.8lb loss. Guess I should be happy with that rather than no loss the rest of the week.
  • Hi... I’m glad I found this thread. I’m on WW but after struggling for a bit and a gain, I realized after being on MFP I was not taking in nearly enough calories. By that I mean, literally 600-800 calories a day. The last few days have been freeing as I’m not hindering what I eat or want to eat, just concentrating on…
  • I need a daily buddy as well. I’ve been doing WW but it’s not working for me. I honestly don’t think it’s the right program for me because I’m constantly hungry. I decided to do a little research and am going with this. I have 30lbs to lose. Just tracking today, I do not eat even close to enough calories in a day. I see…
  • I have been on this journey for about 3 years. It has come off, slowly. Slow and steady wins the race. If you restrict yourself, the problem then becomes binge eating. If you use the tools on here, it does the math. Exercise or no exercise. Be kind to yourself. Love yourself that is your first love yourself the…