DarkShilen Member


  • I try not to, really. I guess the title is misleading since I'm not yet fully recovered (obviously), but I'm coming from low/mid restriction so even 1400 is alot for me to handle, but I try. I'm not dying to lose the weight, I only found it bizarre and frustrating that I'm not losing, but even gained. Thank you! I do try…
  • Thank you! I do like the answer since it does make more sense than maintaining at such low calories at my stats. ETA: I don't plan to restrict on 1000, that's why I made the post. Found it disturbing, and again triggering, to be unable to lose on a normal deficit. So I should just wait?
  • As I already said I know damn well about calories and can't underestimate my intake + again as I said, I'm pretty active. Decided to stop entering the exact same products everyday in the app, since it obviously was triggering me, but then - I'm not consuming any calorie dense foods on daily/weekly basis. And do count it…
  • There's no team, since there's no treatment in my town, and I can't afford traveling. So I do it on my own.
  • You gained because you were cheat eating or did your body adjusted to your low calorie diet? I'm sorry if I'm ignorant on the topic, but is it true that your metabolism gets worse after that? Planning to up my calories with baby steps already. See if I can do it right. Got some pastry today for a snack, even with just that…
  • I did feel quite dizzy and tired, but that's how I usually feel. I never really had eating too much problem, quite the opposite most of the time. It was all the booze and sugary drinks that got me where I was. After cutting them that's pretty much what was left (+200-300 cals over, I guess). However, I guess I have first…
  • As I see on some days your sodium intake is high and so is the carbs on that Sunday (even if you saved up your calories for that day). That could be the reason. Hormones also, as someone already mentioned. If your intake is measured and correct (as much as it could), then you should know the calories are not the problem.
  • Yes it does
    in water Comment by DarkShilen March 2018
  • Eating healthy doesn't mean eating in deficit. And that is what matters. Get a scale and weight EVERYTHING no matter how healthy or unhealthy it is.
  • Don't worry about the "visual result" that much. It's there (if you're doing everything right). It takes some time to see it - you see yourself everyday in the mirror and focusing on that doesn't help much either. Taking pics during the weight loss works though.