nmpenneau6038 Member


  • @Kirstie155 I’m so sorry about everything. I hope you get answers soon and you and your husband heal quickly.
  • @VeryKatie it’s just a big change. I worked full time from the time she was 8 weeks to 18 months. I feel more pressure to have everything clean and she’s a full blown toddler. My daughter hates sleep so it’s a fight so nap time is a struggle. And I also feel like I’m not contributing enough because I don’t make any money…
  • @WifiresGettingFit thanks for the info. I might look at the spreadsheet soon. I haven’t had a chance yet. @VeryKatie life with a 21 month old is crazy. She is active and hates sleep. But I still love it. I’m also recently a stay at home Mom so that has presented new challenges I didn’t have before. @pezhed Thanks for the…
  • Hi. I’m new to the group. I am trying to lose about 70 pounds before TTC #2. I had a very scary first end of my first pregnancy so I’m trying to prevent that from happening again. I do have a healthy 21 month old girl from that pregnancy who needs me to be around.