punkinjdm6 Member


  • Perfect thank you i think i was eating back those calories. i didnt know. now i will definitely change that
  • Thank you. can i ask a question. in the sense of the banana. i weight the banana in oz. it tells it is an 6 oz banana and the myfitnessapp says 1 banana 6 oz = (random number) so this is or is not correct? I want to use the banana because it is an item with no bar- code.
  • No i dont feel this way about what your telling me everyone is being helpful but i hellyeaitskriss is just telling me how wrong i am. not you. im understand everyone else.
  • OK so the thread is to help me better understand this fitness life that obviously people like you might have been doing this longer than me. shoot me I'm a rookie. I also said many failed attempts so yes i realize something im doing is wrong. If this fitness app is suppose to be so helpful but apparently isnt then what am…
  • i scanned the barcode of the powdered peanut butther pb2 which equaled 2tbsp (12gm) i only used 1/2 serving and thats what fitness app calculated.
  • Can you help me understand the 3rd green diamond? because when i see this on my fitness app it does confuse me 1500 - 1489+317= 358 like whaaaa??? does this mean i still have 358 calories to go or is it ok not to eat those??? i am confused and yes i am on my 3rd week now.
  • Yes i do. i weigh things like meats, fruits, veggies i use cups and spoons for more grain and powdered foods
  • THANK YOU. i didnt want to make the post super long but when i say cups i mean for example my coconut milk i measure 1 cup which equals 70 calories and my peanut butter is 0.5tbsp equals 12 calories thats what i mean. is any meat i weigh on my scale mostly in OZ.
  • Almost all thing i scan the barcode of the product and get the serving size and measure based on this. is this not what im suppose to do?
  • Yes i am calculating. My daily diet changes depending on my situation on the day. Breakfast can be coffee or my protien shake from jym or a plain original oatmeal from 200-500 calories Lunch: tuna with 8 crackers and lettuce or 6oz steak with 2 eggs and lettuce 200-600 Dinner; salmon with 1 cup rice or turkey meatballs or…