Stop looking concentrate on you enjoy every day and the perfect person for you will come along with out you trying to find them just enjoy your life for now your a beautiful lady as firnthe dates its there loss not yours
I am what you want to believe
Yep would it a 48 hour challenge to do as much on our bucket list's as we could
I am an awful person because I laughed in my ex boyfriends face when he was crying for me back :/
^^^^^ what on earth :D absolutely mental
My 2 little boys there so amazing they make my life perfect <3
Who me?
Al say good morning before it ends :) :)
Natural beauty
Well girls arnt my thing but I would tell her how beautiful she was and she could show me how she gets them eyebrows on poin!!
Pre workout lost without it
Why not
Pre workout
Not at all
Why not
baileys with a shot of Ron miel
Thumb war
Definitely sexy if there cut Right and short
Be more confident
Nope.......hiii anyways :)
New to this need motivated and helped in the right direction feel free to add :)
Can I jump on this bandwagon? Could really do with the help and motivation :)