jaa0001 Member


  • There are plenty of 10-30 min videos on YouTube. Try Pilates or look for Tabata workouts. These are short, intense and will really help. However, they won't do it alone, diet is the real key (and the big I struggle with), hence I'm logging calories every day. After years of yo-yo dieting I'm convinced it is small…
  • 3 days in and going well. Using the the app to log all my food and exercise. Added in plenty of cardio with 25 mins spinning and a 30 min HIIT class at my gym after work. Tempted to drive past the gym on the way home but stuck to it. Hope others are sticking to your New Year's resolutions!
  • Thanks, a good start but it is only day 2. Took the dog for a run first thing and no wine last night! Started logging food - best of intentions but one day at a time.