Tyrnis Member


  • In addition to the 'big why' that Mawnstroe mentions -- the reason that you want to reach your goal badly enough to put in the work -- I just want to reemphasize one important part that seska 422 brought up. Habit. Motivation is fleeting. You'll get a surge of it, and then you'll go through dry spells where you don't have…
  • If I know I'm going to do a big splurge like that, I'll generally eat 100-200 calories less for the few days leading up to it or for the few days after. The goal is to make up some or all of the excess calories, but not in a way that leaves me feeling hungry on the lighter days. Mind you, I'm on maintenance, and it's not…
  • When I've tried them in the past, I haven't found them particularly filling.
  • Nothing too major for me -- I'd known I was gaining weight for a while, and after the holidays, I was up to 225, which was 5 pounds more than I've ever weighed in my life (I'm 5'10"). It was getting to the point where I wasn't happy with how I looked, and 'I should eat better and exercise' went from something I knew I…
  • While I wouldn't call them complete conversations, I absolutely talk to my dog, sometimes sing to her (albeit badly), and none of the examples you give are anything I wouldn't do.