Dog related question

wwhitney1 Posts: 9 Member
Good afternoon MFPers, hope you are all having a wonderful day. I have a question, sort of. So a bit ago I was walking my dog, Bash, in the rain. He had to go to the bathroom, couldn't hold it so out we went. While in the backyard I proceeded to talk to him. I mean full blown conversation, I do this all the time. Everytime we're outside, or when I am cooking ... whenever hes around really. I asked him to hurry, because I was wet and cold. I asked him not to step in the massive puddle in the backyard (the a hole did it anyway). I asked him to stop trying to chase the squirrels because I was sliding in the yard and didn't want to fall, again, because he was chasing said squirrels. Etc. We were out there for about 5 minutes before I noticed a neighbor who had been taking her trash can to the road. She was watching me as I talked to my dog like he was a human and she was kinda looking at me like I had lost my *kitten*. Like "Yep. This girl has finally lost it." So my question is, am I the only person here to have full blown conversations with my dog/pet?! Someone please tell me I'm not because now I am thinking about all the hundreds of times I have taken this dog outside and talked to him, scolded him and been drug down into the yard by him and how many of my neighbors have seen/heard me and thought "This chick is crazy" lol


  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    I think it’s precious !
  • Tyrnis
    Tyrnis Posts: 5 Member
    While I wouldn't call them complete conversations, I absolutely talk to my dog, sometimes sing to her (albeit badly), and none of the examples you give are anything I wouldn't do.
  • AlainaKayy
    AlainaKayy Posts: 206 Member
    I talk to my dog all the time. She's a REALLY good listener.
  • honeybee__12
    honeybee__12 Posts: 15,688 Member
    I talk to my dog constantly, he really gets me, lol.
    I'm sure my neighbors have heard me tell him to "hurry up and don't get your feet muddy", "could you walk any slower", "omg you can be such an a-hole".
    It's just me and him so...... he hears it all.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    I don't do full conversations but I do use sentences sometimes to give instructions and strangely he seems to understand lol. E.g. when in woods and he goes down a path I will say no we are going this way and he does
  • wwhitney1
    wwhitney1 Posts: 9 Member
    I talk to my dog constantly, he really gets me, lol.
    I'm sure my neighbors have heard me tell him to "hurry up and don't get your feet muddy", "could you walk any slower", "omg you can be such an a-hole".
    It's just me and him so...... he hears it all.

    This. This is so me lol

    I'm glad im not the only one who does this. And dogs are great listeners, even if they don't care to do what you tell them to.
  • orangegato
    orangegato Posts: 6,571 Member
    They're coming to take you away to the funny farm!

    j/k! Don't ALL pet owners talk to their pets?? maybe not the fish in an aquarium, but dogs and cats for sure.....
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    edited April 2018
    I talked to my dogs but not sure if I did it outside. I wouldn't think someone was crazy if I overheard that kind of stuff.
    Now if you were asking your dog where to hide the body...
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    edited April 2018
    wwhitney1 wrote: »
    Good afternoon MFPers, hope you are all having a wonderful day. I have a question, sort of. So a bit ago I was walking my dog, Bash, in the rain. He had to go to the bathroom, couldn't hold it so out we went. While in the backyard I proceeded to talk to him. I mean full blown conversation, I do this all the time. Everytime we're outside, or when I am cooking ... whenever hes around really. I asked him to hurry, because I was wet and cold. I asked him not to step in the massive puddle in the backyard (the a hole did it anyway). I asked him to stop trying to chase the squirrels because I was sliding in the yard and didn't want to fall, again, because he was chasing said squirrels. Etc. We were out there for about 5 minutes before I noticed a neighbor who had been taking her trash can to the road. She was watching me as I talked to my dog like he was a human and she was kinda looking at me like I had lost my *kitten*. Like "Yep. This girl has finally lost it." So my question is, am I the only person here to have full blown conversations with my dog/pet?! Someone please tell me I'm not because now I am thinking about all the hundreds of times I have taken this dog outside and talked to him, scolded him and been drug down into the yard by him and how many of my neighbors have seen/heard me and thought "This chick is crazy" lol

    The majority of neighbours have one dog minimum because we live in coyote country, only that I've rarely heard them address their pets as though they too are human. For me - I'm more of a hand signs communicator, however my sister - talks to our family pet, who is still a puppy, as though he is a toddler whose just going through his boundaries-training. Last night for example, with his kennel open, she points at it, walks him towards it holding his blanket then goes "Night-night time baba, come on baby close your eyes," with that tone she uses to babies. She even talks to him in the kitchen whilst we're cooking, as he noses about, as though he is a child. It's a dog. I'm now used to his wet nose when he licks off the shea butter off my feet lol Even the neighbours watch when its potty time. "I'm not going to carry you - go potty. No - not yet, that was # 1. You're cheating! We're not going in until you've #2ed" The neighbours do not know that we know that they were laughing at the fact that we address him as though he is a human child. We play soccer with him and he always hogs the ball, so that too might be it lol And it's a full-on soccer conversation - yup, with our pup. Dogs are highly-emotive. They're more sensitive than humans. They have that child-like innocence forever.

    So absolutely not - you are NOT alone. You're not crazy Whitney.

    ETA: inserts
  • RunningJustIncase
    RunningJustIncase Posts: 81 Member
    I talk to my dogs and cats all the time! Keep up with the engaging!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I talk to my dog all the time, and my cat! My neighbours must have heard the word "wee wees" a thousand times by now :lol: (We have a puppy).
  • jruch23
    jruch23 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I talk to my parents dog. It's not a full blown conversation though because she doesn't talk back :P but dogs are great listeners and they pick up on meanings of certain words. She's a German Shepherd, extremely intelligent dog!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    I seldom talk to my dog other than to tell her that she is being a **kitten**!

    But she definitely dresses me down quite often and her corrective snorts of displeasure when I fail to act as trained are to the point and persistent.

    They are particularly to the point when I am failing to provide food, treats, or morning walks before a 4pm hard limit.

    Oh. And apparently I am not allowed to yell on the phone. If my voice reaches an unreasonable level of excitement I get a paw on my head and 40lbs of dog in my lap.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    You are normal. You have weird neighbours.
  • Mithridites
    Mithridites Posts: 600 Member
    You’re fine. Not weird at all. I talk to other people’s dogs sometimes. Sometimes in a moment of self-awareness I’ll apologize to the humans for ignoring their existence. More often I won’t :D
    I miss having a dog. It’s been 5 years since my Lhasa poo girlie passed away at 15. She was a very expressive and intelligent communicator. More so than most people :)