sense_and_sarcasm Member


  • I don't run, so I have no knowledge of the issue, but I do follow Dr. Tim Noakes on twitter and he discusses athletic performance and the LCHF diet all the time. I think if you dig through his website you might find some answers. I found this as a start. It's a podcast.…
  • Make some ricotta.
  • I eat them occasionally. They're tasty. I find the chocolate chips are far cheaper for my (occasional) use than buying a Lily's chocolate bar. With the chocolate bars, it seems once I open one it's gone pretty quickly.
  • When looking at food labels, it should be noted that in the U.S. you have to take the total carb figure and minus the fiber to get the "net carb" figure. I am pretty sure that in the UK, Europe and Australia, etc., the "total carb" figure listed on food labels IS the net carb figure. They already minus the fiber from that…