Bump. Should I be doing a hybrid of p90x3 and gamma? I don't feel like I'm burning as many calories on p90x3 and I'm certainly not as tired. I looked up the average number of calories burned for T 25 vs. p90x3 and it looks like T25 burns about 90 more calories than p90x3. I've looked up a p90x3 T25 gamma elite calendar…
Bump, is there a certain week of p90x3 I need to be on? I don't want to back track.
I finished the first week of p90x3 lean and I'm a bit disappointed. Gamma is harder and I don't feel like I'm burning as many calories on p90x3. Only one workout involved weights where as with Gamma 3 workouts involve weights. I'd like a mix of both cardio and weights.
I thought mixing cardio and weights was the best way to get lean. If cardio is the best way to get lean then wouldn't that mean T25 is better as it involves more cardio? So confused :/
I’m on Lean.
I've done 3 of the p90x3 workouts so far and only 1 involved weights which is not what I want. I want all or the majority of my workouts to involve a combo of weights and cardio. Is there a certain week I need to be on to get this? I'm on week 1.
I'm not interested in body beast, just T25 gamma and p90X3 lean and mass.
What about for leaning out? T25 gamma or p90X3 lean or mass?
Bump, looking for some help please.
No one?
Yes and yes.