wryone4 Member


  • I consider this my theme song: "32 Flavors" Originally Ani DiFranco, but I prefer the Alana Davis version... Squint your eyes and look closer I'm not between you and your ambition I am a poster girl with no poster, I am 32 flavors and then some And I'm beyond your peripheral vision so you might want to turn your head…
  • I was having at least one drink a day (usually bourbon or wine) and often two. It was definitely hindering progress and I was drinking for distraction. All January I opted to only drink on weekends, and keep to two drinks max each day. I am going to keep with that one more month, then try to go even less in March. Good…
  • Generally, I wake at 5:30 and meet a friend in the gym at 6:00 AM. I live and work at a school and what starts as a free afternoon/evening always gets booked up. If I go first thing in the AM, I can't make excuses not to go, I feel like I have accomplished something no matter what happens in the day, and it helps set me in…
  • Happy Birthday to both of you!
  • If you want to stay a virgin, stay out of Chit Chat. I kid, I kid.
  • You can do it! How did the day go?
    in Day 1 Comment by wryone4 January 2018
  • I love, love, love a good beer, but if I am drinking beer, I want a good craft one, and they tend to be calorie-heavy. So, once in a while I indulge, but I switched to an occasional bourbon (on the rocks) as my go-to drink. It has been such fun to sample different craft bourbons and discover new favorites.
  • Morning cardio and lower body lifting done. I am an early AM workout person - the only time of the day I don't make excuses. I hate the 5:30 AM alarm, but I love the payoff. Have a great day!
  • I find pre-logging, whenever possible really helps. It gives me a plan for the day and I am logged at the start of the day. If I can't pre-log, sometimes I will set reminders in my phone to alert me to log. I do find that logging really helps keep me on track. When I do it consistently, I really see progress. Give it time…
  • Nope. Always been. Now we can just wear the little outfit.
  • Pick one small goal every day - skipping dessert, walking a mile, drinking 8 glasses of water. Achieve it, celebrate it, and pick your next goal. Don't focus on the end goal if it seems overwhelming. Pick a small, achievable goal for every single day and you will build those small successes into large successes. You can do…
  • Rejoining MFP. Almost 45. Lost 40 about two years ago, but a move and lifestyle change allowed me to let 20 pound creep back on. Aiming for another 30 pound loss to get to my original goal. It maybe harder when you get on a BIT in years, but I think the payoff is even better. When I dropped the weight a couple of years…
  • Nice job, @GOT_Obsessed! You can totally see the difference in your midsection and arms. Keep up the great work!
  • I try to log everything and I build in "fun" foods into my everyday diet, so I don't schedule cheat days. If I have a day when I want to just really enjoy a meal with friends or family, I do. I log it, I recognize it was an off day, I don't make it a habit, and I move on. This isn't a diet. This is a lifestyle. Some days…
  • Considering how many people quit after six DAYS, six MONTHS is far from starting out. Good for you for staying consistent and seeing such great progress. Congratulations!
  • Well done! You look fantastic!
  • Yep, it is harder but not too hard to do it! Focus on your diet and add in exercise when you can to keep your muscle mass up. It only gets harder as you continue to age, so setting your mind to focusing on fitness now will make it easier in the future.
  • I suggest building a sensible evening snack into your food plan. I do that and it helps. And, after I enjoy it, if I still crave more snacking, I brush my teeth. That tends to signal an end to eating and knowing the minty taste won't mingle well with food, it tends to be enough incentive.
  • Good for you for opening up - it take courage. You have the strength to do this. My advice is to try your best to focus on what you need, and what you think of yourself. Every day, ask yourself what you can do to make your choices in your best interest. It will add up. Good luck as you continue on this journey - and keep…
  • Definitely don't punish yourself! Remember that each day is a small step and its the long-term that has impact. You will have days it is easy to stay at or below your range and days when it is not easy. As long as you are paying attention and trying to stay where you need to be most of the time, you will be fine! Just keep…
  • You can save money by making a large amount of something, then portioning it out and freezing it or storing it for later in the week. This can also make planning easier. I like to buy chicken breasts on sale, grill them, then dice them in freeze them in serving sizes. I throw that on salad with an egg, and I have a…
  • Yes, you can. I sometimes do if I am having a night out. Sometimes I just keep them as a deficit. The key thing is to make sure you eat your allocated daily calories (without exercise). Eating too little can be counterproductive. Agree with the PP - MFP overestimates calories burned. If you are going to eat back the…
  • Start by logging everything you eat. You will start to notice that small nibbles here and there add up. Then, take it slow - introduce small changes like reducing one not-so-good-for-you food like candy. Notice the difference in calories consumed. Celebrate. Then pick something else and replace it with something with more…
  • Way to go!
  • Visible to others? About two months for significant comments. Honestly? For me, I start to notice small changes at about two weeks - generally a little less in love handle region, or my bra feeling more comfortable, even if it is just a few pounds. I try to pay attention to the small changes like that because it helps to…
  • For me, sadly, yes. And I didn't have a whole lot to begin with!
  • Good for you! When I am consistent with tracking my food and exercise and being dedicated in the gym (especially with lifting) I find the scale hits a real plateau for a bit. But, as long as my clothes fit better and better, I don't focus on the number. Keep going with all your hard work!