It might be worth checking Michael's, they have a confectionary section and you might find something there you can work with. Another option is to buy flavouring oils... they sell them at Bulk Barn and I think Michael's too. They would definitely have a cherry flavour that you could add to white chocolate to simulate the…
I starting going to a nutritionist about a year ago. I was so fed up of food and feeling sick all of the time and I didn't know where else to turn. It's honestly been one of the best things I've done for myself. It's made me make better choices about food in general and it helped me to figure out what foods work for my…
1/2 cup Kashi Honey Almond Flax Cereal 1 tbsp honey 3/4 cup of Liberte Plain Yogurt 1/2 cup blackberries (or other berries)