I knew I wanted to indulge in pizza and things yesterday, so I ate fewer calories the day before to allow for it. Then today, rather than falling off the wagon like I used to when I would "cheat", I just kept going with my logging. It really feels different this time. Oh! And today I bought some workout bottoms. I used to…
Thank you everyone!
She is adorable.
Thank you :)
The guy who could do everything - athletics & good grades
I'm thirty-six today, so I guess I qualify to join. :)
Valentine's Day is my birthday. I'm going to get my hair done, try Halo Top Birthday Cake ice cream for the first time, and probably eat pizza.
If I eat salads and lots of veggies, I definitely fall into the volume eater category. I was at a friend's house and brought food to make a salad. I asked her for a big bowl. When she handed me a soup bowl, I said, "No. I mean a really big bowl." She said, "Oh I thought you meant a bowl to eat it in, not mix it up in."…
Sunshine on bare skin & melted chocolate
Yum Grilled cheese
Beautiful lips and creamy skin
Halo Top Birthday Cake flavor for tomorrow!
Why thank you. :)
Oh, I love you. I will be 36 tomorrow. :smile:
I'll guess 46.
@aeloine A week without cigarettes - Awesome!
Coffee... always coffee
I just had some ice cream. I stopped eating it when I was satisfied rather than finishing the two cups just because it tasted good.
The popular, feisty girl I secretly wished I could be.
My daughter said, "Hello my queen." <3
The French exchange student :)
My shoes are too big, and my rings are all loose!
35 until tomorrow :blush:
Never had one... Strawberry Rhubarb Jam
black coffee