cault Member


  • I've been back too many times to count, but this time it's going to stick. I've finally figured out that I need to eat for me; not for my friends, my family, or my checkbook. I've resorted to commercial protein shakes 2x a day to start, as I retrain my brain that chips and chocolate are NOT OK. Hope to get off at least 1…
    in im back!! Comment by cault July 2018
  • I want in. Currently at 202; started Jan. 9 at 209. I'm 63 years young, 5'1" and ultimate goal is 140. First major goal is to be at 175 by mid-May for a 200 mile backpacking trip. My not-so-young knees will thank me if I can lose the weight of my pack! One. Day. At. A. Time.
  • I want in!! First goal was to lose 34 pounds before a backpacking trip in May. Started Jan. 9. Down 7 pounds so far!