Awesome thanks! Feel free to add me everyone
Stay positive, the glass is always half full.
Instant sugar free oatmeal. 1 packet is only 100 calories, drop in some crushed pecans to help make it more filling. I pair this with a banana or another fruit and it holds me over till lunch easily.
I would suggest a cheat day, not a whole week
1 second at the most.
Depends on if your training for strength or cardio endurance. Burpees=cardio squats=strength. IMHO
Your diet could have something to do with your thinner waistline unless your pants stretched out. Or maybe your gaining weight in one specific spot. I’ve always thought that thought when you gain weight it’s spread out evenly. Also the older we get the harder it is to keep the weight off. We literally have to work harder.…
Get a refund or sell it to your sis in law for $100
No it is not worthless Once or twice a week is perfectly fine, don’t be ashamed. Some people don’t go once or twice a decade
Sit ups=waste of time=no bueno Planks, yoga, leg lifts.
It might be that you aren’t hydrated enough. Drink more water than usual and see if that helps
Look on YouTube for burpee demonstrations there’s plenty. If your a visual learner I’m sure you’ll find what your looking for.
Chest bi’s and back day 1 Legs shoulders and tri’s the next day or workout For example Start with the Flat bench press and start (1x10) don’t rest when your done with the first set and head to a lat pull down machine and begin (1x10), immediately after this set find a set of dumbbells and complete a standing curl set…
Depends on your diet (caloric intake) and your fitness level. In short, start working out regularly and eating healthy or creating a caloric deficit and you will achieve both.
I wouldn’t waste 1 penny on any of the wrap. It’s a scam imho.
Hi seems like we can’t ever have too much of a good thing