This was such a great discovery! I had never heard of Happy Scale and I found it to be quite interesting. There's the android version called Libra and I'm so excited to try it! Thanks to you and to others who mentioned I think I just found a really power- and useful tool :)
That's quite interesting! I usually just worry too much when I eat too much sodium or artificial things. Maybe this is an approach I should try...
I found interesting that you do your weighting in the evening! But you do have a point there though :)
I kinda do that too! So sad when you weight in less in a "non official day" than on the other one haha
I hardly ever go to the toilet
That's quite clever... A trend app would be just so you can see it in a chart and analyse the process?
I'd say it is best when it comes to cardio to do a lot of time with less effort. But if we are talking about bulking up and gaining muscle, it's the other way around
Me, as a person who has been running for around 4 years, it is doable in 27 minutes. Just to keep a comparison :)
Try to binge less and feel less bloated :)
I look like a brocolli
Hi! If you are trying to burn fat and get leaner feel free to add me :)