fireruler Member


  • Small changes, one at a time, rather than trying to go full boar at the beginning and change your life. Cut down (or increase) something for a few weeks then make the next change. First thing may be to decrease overall calories for a few weeks, then ensure you are getting enough protein next few, etc.
  • Only thing I can think of (depending on how you ate today and what you have eaten before) is the difference in what you ate. Some days, I have noticed that I have burned through my calories and do not at all feel satisfied. On those days, I look at what I ate and realize that the foods that I was eating were empty calories…
  • Squats at your desk as long as you can do so without making it a detriment to your work. Also consider some basic body weight strength training on your breaks (Squats, pushups, lunges, etc). If you build more muscle by doing body weight strength training, your body will have a higher BMR just due to the fact that muscles…
  • BMI is notoriously inaccurate as a health measure. If you are primarily fat it can be a good idea to watch but if you are muscle it will stated that you are overweight or obese when you have a very low fat%. When I was in college, I took several exercise science classes and they stated that BMI was useful but highly…