Great advice @amgreenwell, thank you! Wow you must be busy with two under 2!! I’m routine orientated normally and life was pretty smooth with just my toddler, but have struggled to get a grip on things since my newborn arrived. Would love to consistently do a 5am start but have to share with my husband who gets up at 5 to…
Thanks @casscamp, you’re too kind! To be honest I probably wouldn’t be back into it so soon if I hadn’t have been gaining weight, it has to stop. We both have a similar baby weight goal, we can do this!
Thank you so much!! Had a look through the thread, it’s super helpful. Will say hi in the group too ☺️
Would love some mommy friends! I’m a 30 year old with a 2 year old and 2 month old, feeling like things are pretty hectic and hard to shift those lb’s