CrashTestKing Member


  • Remember, it's not all about the numbers on the scale. Chances are, you're losing fat but gaining muscle, which is never a bad thing.
  • 2 years ago I bought a really nice button-up, but could never wear it because it was too small (I could get it on, but when I'd sit, the buttons would straight around the stomach). I recently tried it on, and discovered it still doesn't fit—because it's too big. I've lost too much weight, and missed my window to wear it.…
  • I've heard one doctor/nutritionist after another say repeatedly that you can absolutely lose weight dieting without exercise, but the reverse is almost never true. Rather than dropping the diet, try changing it up. Go online and look up tasty recipes that are relatively healthy, or experiment on your own by taking…
  • Definitely. The treatment now is good, but there've been some frustrating revelations. My family keeps telling me how proud they are—something that never happens in my family. Understand that our family keeps conversations VERY superficial, we don't get personal. So imagine my surprise when I've lost 80 pounds and they…
  • One other thing, not really a surprising result but definitely something that shocked me into realizing how much I'd lost... I have a Golden Retriever, she goes through a lot of dog food so I buy in bulk, the 55 to 60 pound bags. A few months back, when I'd lost about 60 lbs, I threw a 60 lbs bag over my shoulders to carry…
  • Same! My starting weight was 320 lbs, almost right where you started, and I HATED shopping for clothes. It's impossible to find anything that fits in brick & mortar stores, you have to pay extra (even online) when you do find something that fits, and then it never looks good. Last Thanksgiving, I realized nothing fit…
  • Wow, you're doing awesome! You're in a remarkably similar position to me (though you've lost your weight faster). I, too, started north of 300 (Starting Weight = 320 lbs). As of 10 minutes ago, I'm down to 237.5. And we're even the same height! The big difference is I started mine back in January 2017, so my weight loss…