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Im looking for friends to be stay accountable to on this :blush: anyone can add me for help :smile:
Feel free to add me anyone
Yesss in looking to drop about 15 pounds and some body fat to become more lean. Like idm how much I actually weigh I just want my body fat down so thats my goal this year and in determined. Im not the worst ever but im not happy with where I am so im really trying
Ye I got the same problem them late night cravings. I think a good way to deal with it is to have a small protein rich meal before bed or later when u get cravings coz the protein helps fill u up
My life in a nutshell hahaha
Feel free to add me
Easier to find food buddies everywhere man hahaha
Hey! I give into my cravings too much even when im not hungry at alllllllll. I just need to be more disciplined when it comes to what I eat. An accountability buddy would be great!