NikNicole7 Member


  • So I slowed wayyyy down.. I guess I only thought I was going slowly before, but it's hard to tell in this area of miserable humidity. Instead of setting my timer for 1min 30sec like I planned on doing a few weeks ago, I've been pushing play on my stopwatch and jogging just a few seconds past where I can barely control my…
  • Oh no, that's terrible that you were sidelined like that!!! But you are incredible for going right back to it once you were able and look at your progress, what a total inspiration! Thank you!
  • CONGRATS!!! And you are exactly right about slowing down! Once I realized how much more stamina I kept at a jogging pace rather than a full-out run, I've been able to do so much more without being exhausted or sore at the middle or end. I love your avitar, it's great to remember that we may not be fast yet, but we're…
  • Thank you.. it's definitely working for now, sometimes I just wonder if I'm doing it the right way or if I'm stunting my growth potential as a hopeful-runner. But I feel confident in knowing to push myself further when I get comfortable and when I need to back off so I don't injure myself, so this is probably the best way.
  • I was doing leg stretches and then a good 10 minutes of walking before I hit the start button on C25K (which starts with a 5 min walk as well). Since I've adopted my own program so to speak, I've had no trouble with my hip flexors, thank goodness - that was really setting me back!
  • Oooh yeah, my speed is like trudging through peanut butter lol. Although I would love to run a 7 minute mile someday, my goal for now is just moving and the more time I spend running, the better my body feels and the prouder I am of myself. I usually stretch a bit before heading out and walk at least 5-7 mins to warm up.
  • I had the same exact thing happen when I started! I had to decrease the time on my running sprints and make sure I was only sprinting every other day (Iwould still walk on the off days). Thankfully the hip pain stopped and I've been steadily increasing my running time by about 10 seconds every 2 weeks.