ChristinaPCharles Member


  • Thanks for your response! I’m still researching but it makes sense to make gains you have to increase your calories. Once this starts to take affect by increasing my metabolism then the fat should take care of itself over time. Not too worried about it at this point and I’m gonna concentrate on muscle mass. Thanks again!
  • Yes I agree I’m figuring that out but I did find a link to answer my question. It can be done losing fat while gaining muscle and I have been doing what I’m supposed to be doing. Hard workouts, cardio, and great diet no sugars and lower carbs but I’m tweaking my diet and I think that’s where it lies. Here’s a link…
  • Would you be able to explain what you mean? Thanks
  • Ok I put Active Calories in since that is when your Heart-rate is elevated and your burning calories during said exercise. Total is calories your burning plus calories the body burns just from everyday functions. HTH
  • Thanks for the response I actually am seeing results since cutting back on the fat 1 lb down but I’m gonna start next week with heavy lifting and more protein as I know my metabolism will most likely respond from this weeks rest. I just start to panic when I don’t see the scale move yet my size does keep going down. I need…
  • I had to go off of Lexapro I gained exactly what you did it sucked! So I replaced it with working out in the morning 5 days a week helps with my depression and anxiety a lot! I totally get how you feel not fun I was at the pantry like a crack addict but with food, not a good look for me. Good luck and ask your Dr what is…
  • I’m on the keto diet so I can relate. I take a Womens multi and Vitamin D I also eat nutritional yeast sprinkled on foods they are rich in b vitamins. It’s hard to get in all of your nutrients through food, so supplements are helpful. I get the gummy kind so I know they will dissolve hth
  • Makes sense, I hear what you’re saying. I have just started to tweak my calories cause I think I was consuming way too many fat calories so I’m eliminating the overage so that I have a deficit but I’ll up my protein for gains. Thanks for the response!