larochelle9120 Member


  • I try to do a rest day before my weigh in, problem is if I work that day I’m up on my feet running around. So, not really a day I’m resting. I think when I look at the time I’m spending being healthy. I think wow, this wasn’t mornetime consuming or constraining then I thought it would be. I can actually fit this in.
  • Ps. I love the broken French angora in your photo. My mother used be a professional rabbit judge and those were always my favorites when I was a kid.
  • Right now, I’m sticking with 1600 calories trying to do 3 to 400 cal. for meals and snacks in between. Plus on cheat day, but I’ve been working out doing cardio every other day with weight lifting. I haven’t gotten too aggressive with the weight lifting yet, but right now just getting my body used to the workouts. I’m…
  • Thank you. I appreciate any advice. I don’t know a lot about health vs. not healthy because there are so many general guidelines and myths out there that it’s hard to get to what fits me. I have a very high stress job where there are days I just leave the store exhausted from the emotional energy that I can’t tell the…
  • I was at work and I put my hands on my waist not because I was upset; but because I was warming my muffin top. Then I got real sad and said, “I need to go to the gym.”
  • I naturally start out no alcohol when I start cutting back calories because they take up so much. But then I always find a way slip in a glass a wine or Manhattan. But you are right about the less consumption of alcohol. I would rather have French fries.
  • Thank you for your responses. So after work to ramp up the activity level (I’m roughly doing about 11,000-15,000 steps a day depending on the day.) I’ve gone to running and weight lifting. I am tracking my calories, but since I’ve been working out, I can tell you I’m exhausted. I do however feel less sluggish at work. I…