angiep0910 Member


  • I had a Coke Zero addiction. My stomach finally had enough of the chemicals from the artificial sweetner and I was getting sick. I switched to seltzer waters and iced tea. I rarely ever have a craving for a soda now and if I do, I can only drink a few sips of regular soda and I’m good. I hope you find an alternative that…
  • Hi, I’m Angie from Arizona. Started 4 years ago, same account. I just reactivated a few weeks ago. My girlfriend encouraged me to get back on the app to track my food and activity. Is anyone else following the Mediterranean diet?
  • A smoothie with frozen unsweetened berries, a little spinach, 1/2 a banana, a little plain greek yogurt and almond milk. It gives you the sweetness, protein and vitamins. :)
  • I’m Angie and I recently started the Mediterranean diet as suggested by my doctor. I am down 9 lbs so far and love the food options. I’m not sure if this group is still active, but maybe we can resurrect it from the ashes if not 😊
  • Hi Brian, I’m Angie. I have 61 pounds left to get to my goal weight. I also have back pains from a herniated L5 and bulging disc in L4 and L5. I am starting hot yoga. It is supposed to help loosen muscles and reduce inflammation while you work out your core. Also, swimming is great for the back in the summer. Best of luck…
  • Hi! I’m new here too. @krabuck what is MFP? I started Isagenix on Tuesday after a routine trip to my doctor last week with blood pressure reading at 147/110 and I had no idea. They took m my BP four separate times and two different ways and all same results. I have at least 75 pounds to lose.