bribbyx74 Member


  • Thanks guys appreciate everybody’s response I know people are saying I don’t have to eat in the morning but iam a diabetic so if I don’t my blood sugar levels drop throughout the day because my body is not use to me eating like this so I know I need to have a little something in the morning so that’s why I have the shakes…
  • Thanks ladies I just never tried to lose weight before and I had no idea that your body does gain weight when my lovely friend arrives but thanks for everybody’s input I appreciate it☺️
  • @Muscleflex79 OK first of all nobody said I was freaking out over half of pound I said it scares me a little bit because I didn’t know what caused it didn’t know my body fluctuated during my period I have no idea because this is my first time on a diet like I said in the beginning of this forum. And yeah maybe I do need to…
  • Thanks! I’ll try anything to get this to go away!
  • Thanks so far so good! Good luck to you also
  • Thanks I think I’ll try biking!